AWANA          MISSIONS          MUSIC          VBS         SUMMER CAMP

Children are a vital component of our congregation.

We are thankful for opportunities to guide

and nurture them as they grow in their faith.


Sunday Schedule

9:15 AM 

Sunday School 
10:30 AM          
Morning Worship 
Nursery Available : Birth – 3 year old
Children’s Church Available : 4K – 2nd Grade                                          
5:00-6:30PM  (Sept-May)    

Wednesday Schedule

6:00-7:00 PM  (Sept-May)
RAs & GAs | Mission Friends


Guidelines and policies are in place to ensure the safety and well being of the youngest members of our church. Anyone working with children meets  requirements and is trained. If you are interested in knowing more about the activities of the children of Calvary or how you can serve within the children’s ministry, please contact us at